Sunday, April 27, 2008

Now we have Idle Mind Wondering, whose outlook on life is unique and acute.

He is a resident of the great state of Massachusetts.  

Check him out here:

The Hitchhiker

The hills are stacked with city houses,

above and below, 

as the road disappears through a tunnel.

Sound diminishes within hushed echoes.

It seems so much more 

than a couple of years

since decidedly standing  

upon the on ramp of escapement

from small-town views.

Now reaching the end

of this highway’s promise.


She was old

and called Tennessee

her home;

I was new

on the road to nowhere.

She picked me up out of the night

and we drove on;

Her beauty was beyond me

like a best friend’s mother.

She was watching my shy glances

as we talked away the miles;

until her eyes held mine 

and a confident hand 

                        touched me.

Somewhere on the side 

of a Pennsylvanian road

I forgot all about the 

high school girls.


What impresses me the most 

is the limitless diversity of people

and their eager willingness 

to befriend a stranger;

if a stranger is willing to be a friend.


Trees fall hard on the edge

of the Rockies;

at least for the new kid,

only three days in logger’s camp comrade.

But a skidder rolled today,

tomorrow we’ll bury a veteran

and I feel like I’ve known these people

my whole life.


Cultural and geographical changes

are superficial;

in the end we really are

all the same.


Backpack in tow

I climbed aboard

with a simple man 

who spent hours 

trying to sell me the Bible.

Carefully, I listened, 

because every soul has a story to tell.

He dropped me off 

at love’s doorstep

in the Pacific Northwest.

I became a second rate cook

for a lousy waitress - 

barely out of high school.

She was exotic

with eyes to mesmerize

And I became the fool, 

a puppet waiting for strings.

But boy,

  could that girl dance,

may the bus boy 

        have the best of luck.


I could go home now

            if I thought I might belong.

But the road only goes one way.

It’s not very far, but long enough

and as day light heralds the tunnels end

I am granted a view of virgin landscape.

A vast valley 

without a single man-made-structure

and I am tempted to believe

that this is all undiscovered;

if not for the road running through it.

Check him out.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thank you, so much, for this honor; it is always a pleasure to be read and understood as a poet.
Many blessing.
ken (Idle Mind Wondering)