Friday, May 23, 2008

Lowell Poe says he is an Old Irishman from the United States.

He can be found here:

The Latter Day Sinners Circus

In the altered states of latter day sinners,
Kaleidoscopes of evil swirl in and out of circus skies.
It hums above them and fills their eyes with rings of fire,
that hit the big top, 
and illuminates the midways.

Children guide the elders 
to the candle lit caravans that surround the carnival.

Fortune tellers rise from the red striped wind blown tents,
as lions with full bellies
who feasted on believers,
fill the bleachers with weeping butterflies and laughing soldiers. 

With horrid screams 
from their lacerated throats,
the sword swallower's fire the human cannon ball up
towards the bleeding Jesus.
Who walks the tight rope using his cross,
to save his life,
and balance his way to the other side 
where his Father awaits.

Check him out.

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