Tuesday, March 11, 2008

from British Columbia comes Regis Auffray ...

with some homespun truths.   You can find him here:


In Her Sunday Best


          ©Regis Auffray


There she is in her Sunday 

best blue dress 

she said she was 

saving for a special day

At last she's wearing it 

though she did not put it on 


They've closed her blue eyes 

blue like the dress 

she never wore 

blue like the sea 

she never saw 

Sleeping there 

in her velvet-lined skiff 

She'll float away 

across the bright gravestones 

like whitecaps 

in the sun of August 

towards the infinite sea 

of the sky

In his own words:

Regis Auffray came to Earth in Peace River, Alberta, Canada. He gives credit for that to his parents who had just come over from Brittany, France. He is of Celtic descent. Bretons are not of "French" ancestry thus, as far as he is concerned, not French although at least one of his siblings disagrees. But he loves all nationalities and origins of people. He is convinced that "compassion" is the answer to all of this gem of a planet's problems. He admits that he just does not have a clue how to make it happen. His first language is French but he learned English when his family moved to a town 100 kilometers (60 miles) east of Vancouver, British Columbia. The first poem he can remember writing was in grade 9 in English class. It rhymed and had the proper rhythm. His English teacher thought it was good and encouraged him to continue to write. (Thank you, Mr. Stolee). Regis is a graduate of the University of British Columbia with an Education Degree majoring in French and English.  He has also done some post graduate work in counseling psychology.  He is an educator in a senior high school. He has been greatly influenced by the romantic poets and the symbolists (in French) but many others - Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Lamartine, Frost, Keats, Dickinson, and so many others who don't come to mind at the moment. He says that he appreciates this site because it has allowed him to share with others what is in his soul and he has made new friends whom he greatly values. He thanks all of you who take the time to read and to comment on his creative endeavors.

Be sure to drop by and check him out.

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