Thursday, March 20, 2008

Today we have Serge Charles Frechette from Canada.

He is known as capricornpoet on  He can be found here:

This is the link to his book reference, "Poems For All Seasons":

Now, on to his beautiful poem:

A Painter's Weave

Phtalo blue he brushed before all eyes;

And the sky appeared flawless and still

Soft yellow on the horizon, a sun's hue,

touched by cadmium white breath strokes,

over prussian blues and alizarins

Mingle of yellows and ochres, greens and vandyke brown,

giant fir trees and misty forests on mountains;

and the earth was filled onto the canvas;

there flowed prussian blue water and 

liquid white contours, the pond quiet now;

The painter's dream and weave done....

Check him out.

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