Wednesday, March 12, 2008

From Delaware, wbiro with something relevant ...

to what we intrinsically are:  poets and writers, and those who appreciate them. He can be found here:

What an Artist Does

Throwing fate to the zealous zephyrs

an artist does, though rarely supported

and though the artist’s life crumbles about

from neglecting life's practical bouts

there is ever one last word to write

one last intriguing scene to paint

one last soaring note to compose-

for that is what an artist does.


Where an artist did, an artist was

though forever disdained by family and friends

who never perceived an artist at all-

just an impractical spirit engaging in

what they had desired for themselves,

and thus are challenged to acknowledge it…


Sad, every ten people should have at least one artist

that they all support; but alas

jealousy and nature being what it is,

not to mention their idea of what an artist is

corrupted by shallow sensationalism

has thus far prevented us from such a culture…


So what becomes of an artist’s life?

the message is as clear as the art itself-

tossed to the winds,

crumbling to dust,

it does not matter when an artist has done

what an artist does.


What then, when neatly shuttled away

and shorn of the tools an artist uses,

is an artist to do what an artist does?

It does not matter, an artist does

what artists will do

with whatever's at hand 

wherever the artist is…


Perhaps it is a mystery of the heart

sharing and expressing vision and thought;

perhaps it is contained in the artist’s eyes

that spreads through those who’ve been touched

by the artist who does what an artist does.


For individual glory an artist does not,

as a speck in society an artist does;

painting a mural on the wall of souls

encountered, remembered, touched, forgotten

yet living

in what the artist does.


There is always one, last magical touch

left in an artist’s fingers and soul

though reduced to sculpting mashed potatoes-

because an artist will do what an artist does.


I thank the Lord for allowing my family

for tolerating what this artist has been,

for when the creative spirit frolics free

the artist is not mindful of practicality

quite the way the others will be-

therein lies to price that is paid

for an artist to do what an artist does.


Never losing the twinkle in the eye,

always seeing the world in ways that defy

the imaginations of more practical minds-

though set low on the rungs of social strata

because their lives are strewn in disarray

artists will do what artists do

just because they've been shaped that way…


Even as I write, life conspires

to pull me away from this unwritten page,

from the virgin canvas begging a scene,

from the musical staves that shout in silence

for thoughts emotions, ecstasies, pain,

for visions and paths not yet imagined...

and yet I do what an artist does

at a sacrifice to myself and those in my life-

so I do understand, and thank them for their silent support

as this artist does what an artist does.


On a lighter note, for one can take

only so much sober, solemn fare-

an artist does funny things to one's hair…


So if those close are having a challenge

perceiving you as the artist you are-

just light up their lives with some artist’s hair…

they will then understand that an artist will do

whatever it is an artist does

without further questions, though with reserved stares…


Yes, you may eventually be locked away,

but they’ll always come around to see what you've done

as you do that which an artist will do

as a yet-living artist who still actively does…


Now with your new-found artist’s hair

you’ve created new-found expectations-

all art-bound, which is great for you-

as you inevitably do what an artist does

with whatever you have at your disposal-

be it knives and spoons, or mashed potatoes,

or bed sheets, brooms, carts, tray tables…

an artist’s palette is never bare

when an artist is doing what an artist does...


Well, I have just fifteen more minutes

to continue doing what an artist does,

then Practicality will haul me away

thinking I’ll hold off being an artist for another day…

little does it know how an artist does

the creative little things that an artist does

at whatever life-sustaining task the artist must do

that seemingly takes away the creative time

in which an artist does what an artist will do-

for no one is just an artist alone,

isolated, creating within a box-

as life seeps in, art comes out

in the creations that result from what an artist will do.


So time ticks on, bringing an end

to this end-result of what an artist does…

I bid thee adieu, my artist friend,

next time we meet it will be in a place

where artists are doing what an artist does.


Check him out.     



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